Honoring a Golden Bear legend
Coach Dale Hartney
Coach Hartney educated Golden Bears for nearly 50 years and when that didn't involve a classroom or a basketball, it often involved a run to the Miller Park Library and back. To honor Coach's legacy of learning and bringing out the best in each athlete, the City of Upper Arlington has approved a memorial water fountain at that famous turn around.
​Honor Coach Hartney
While the City has approved this project, Golden Bear alumni and parents have to fund $7,500 to complete the project. To be a part of honoring Coach's legacy, make donations through the UA Community Foundation .
We are currently at 25% of our $7500 goal!
Give Now - Upper Arlington Community Foundation

Choose "Dale Hartney Memorial Drinking Fountain" from the dropdown
If paying by check make check payable to:
Upper Arlington Community Foundation, 3600 Tremont Rd, Columbus, OH 43221 (include "Dale Hartney memorial" in memo)
Contact information:
​email: speale@gmail.com
​Jessica Grisez
UA Community Foundation
614.451.0700 office